Featured Members for January 2024
Councillor Stockman represents the Blue Lake Ward of Nillumbik, the Green Wedge, Shire.
A champion for the development of infrastructure, he brings a diversity of professional experience - having served in the Royal Australian Navy, as an Air Traffic Controller and over 30 years in commercial sectors such as media. Cr Stockman is a strong believer in the benefits of inclusion, productivity, positivity and working to ensure the best outcomes.
Dr Sherlock is an advocate for social inclusion, affordable housing and community development.
Upon attaining a Bachelor of Arts/Law from UTAS as well as receiving her Masters & PhD from Deakin University, she has over 20 years of professional experience in education and is currently a Law Lecturer at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). In 2020, she received the Tasmanian Excellence in Women’s Leadership Award.
Mayor Dracoulis was elected to Derwent Valley Council as Mayor from a February 2022 bi-election and then re-elected in October 2022 to continue to serve as the Valley's Mayor.
Michelle enjoys being involved in the community and learning about what is needed with integrity and compassion for her role. She advocates to attract federal-level funding and support, and values for local business, industry and tourism.
By custom: the Association’s Top Parliamentarian is Mr Vica Bayley MP of Tasmania | H.W. = His/Her Worship
Jabiyar Commission for Victoria/Tasmania
Each, and every, democratically-elected member, whether incumbent or otherwise, of any Australasian (including New Zealand) Local Government has the right to request an audience with the Commissioner through our Association.
To request an endorsement from the Commissioner, please contact our Secretary via e-mail on: secretary@bassian.org